Tag Archives: dessert

Key Lime Pie


chocolate dough

300 ml (1 ¼ cup) white flour
3-4-tablespon cacao
75 g (2.6 ounces) butter
3 -5 tablespoons sucanat
3 tablespoons cold water

lime filling

3 eggs
150-200 ml (0.6-0.8 cups) regular sugar (recommended even if I use sucanat)
75 g (2.6 ounces) butter
fine peel of 1-2 lime
juice from 1-2 limes

decorate with peels from a lime and strawberries

In my dough I always take more sugar (sucanat) than the recipe says, as I want the dough to be sweeter than the filling. Mix the dough. Let it rest in the fridge for 1/2 hour. Pre bake the dough in the oven for 10 min, temp 200°C (392F).

Mix the filling in a blender. Add the lime and sucanat to your own taste. Pour it over the pre baked pie shell and bake it in the oven for 15-20 min until the filling is firm. Decorate with peels from a lime and fresh strawberries.
I like mine topped with whipped cream together with a glass of Prosecco.

See similar recipe, Ginger & Lime Tart